
As expressed in Ruelco’s mission statement, providing our customers with high quality products is our top priority. To maintain our mission statement, Ruelco has revitalized our Quality Control Department and Quality Assurance Program to continue to provide customers with top notch products and service. These changes have opened the door to many new opportunities and improved processes, pushing quality to the forefront of Ruelco production.

The expansion and overhaul of the Quality Control Department ensure that day-to-day operations flow efficiently and that our QC team works to the best of their ability. Ample workstation space, queuing areas for work-in-process, added storage and new computer tracking software are just a few of the newly added amenities. Digital precision instruments provide ease of use and increased accuracy when measuring parts, and our optical zoom camera provides our team with added visual inspection capabilities.

Ruelco’s Quality Assurance Program features a new sampling plan in addition to other activities which ensure that quality levels of products and services are maintained. These new techniques and procedures take a fresh approach to Quality Control beyond solely inspecting parts, and by integrating them into everyday processes and procedures.

All of these changes comprise Ruelco’s new Quality Control Department and Quality Assurance Program, and are critical to Ruelco’s core values. Ruelco will continue to adapt and improve processes in the pursuit of remaining industry leaders in quality and customer satisfaction.