The Ruelco three way block and bleed pressure switches are the most reliable and simple pressure switches on the market. Using our unique base and piston system, the sensing range can be changed from 10-10,000 psi. with only the movement of an O-ring. This allows Ruelco pressure switches the versatility to change with changing system parameters. With additional bases the Sensing range can be extended from .5 psi. up to 20,000 psi.

SS-1 Pressure Switch (Model 4102)
The Ruelco SS-1 Model 4102 pneumatic pressure switch is a three way block and bleed valve that is operated by… More

SS-2 Pressure Switch (Model 4202)
SS-2 Pressure Switch – ATEX Certified (Model 4202) The Ruelco SS-2 pneumatic pressure switch is a three way block and… More

SS-2 High Flow Pressure Switch (Model 4222)
The Ruelco SS-2 high flow pressure switch is a three way block and bleed valve that is operated by pressure… More

High/Low Assembly
Ruelco has the ability to pre-assemble and set any combination of products through the use of our in-house testing facilities…. More

SS Series Differential Pressure Switch
The Ruelco SS series differential pressure switch is a three way block and bleed valve that is operated by pressure… More
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